Geographic Information Systems
NOTICE: The online mapping is down due to an expired SSL certificate. We have reached out to the county IT department to correct the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience. (Sunday, March 30, 2025 8:00pm.)
What is GIS?
GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems. GIS is a way to connect data with geography. This is accomplished by using computers to incorporate geographical
features with data in order to map, analyze and assess real world problems and questions. This is a gateway to understanding.
Columbia County GIS Department
The Department maintains digital spatial information for the county. Our mission is to share insightful information with those that we serve. We do this by:
- Enhanced 911 support to local emergency service personnel by maintaining the E911 database and assignment of accurate 911 addresses.
- Maintaining the GIS website for fast and easy access to digital mapping data.
- Providing county departments and planners with graphic and data analysis tools for assistances in important decision-making and daily tasks.
- Providing customized mapping, analysis and data to internal organizations and the public.
The Department is a staff of two who conduct business remotely. They may be reached by either email ( or phone (570-387-4930); the preferred method being email. If contacting by phone and you reach voicemail, please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Tim Murphy
Mitchell Kishbach